Pack Size: 10, 20, 100, 300
Year: 2024
Accepted Scientific Name: Euphorbia obesa
Origin and Habitat:
Euphorbia obesa is native to South Africa, specifically the Great Karoo region. This area experiences semi-arid conditions with intense sunlight, low rainfall, and rocky soils. The plant has adapted to thrive in these challenging conditions, storing water in its bulbous stem to endure prolonged droughts. Its natural habitat consists of dry, open landscapes with excellent drainage and sparse vegetation.
Euphorbia obesa, commonly known as the "Baseball Plant," grows up to 4–6 inches in diameter and 4–8 inches in height. It has a spherical, smooth, and ridged shape, resembling a ball. The plant is gray-green with faint purple or red stripes that develop under bright sunlight. Euphorbia obesa produces small, unassuming flowers (cyathia) that are typically yellow-green and bloom from the apex. Its symmetry and compact size make it a favorite among collectors.
Zone: USDA Zone 9–11
Temperature: Prefers warm conditions, ideally between 20–30°C, and can tolerate occasional drops to 10°C.
Growth Rate: Slow-growing.
Soil: Requires well-draining soil, ideally a pumice-rich mix.
Watering: Water sparingly; allow the soil to dry completely between watering.
Fertilizing: Feed with a balanced cactus fertilizer every 2–3 weeks during the active growing season.
Light: Thrives in bright, indirect sunlight but can adapt to partial shade.
Pests and Diseases: Prone to mealybugs and root rot if overwatered. Ensure good ventilation to prevent fungal issues.
Germination Info:
Temp: 27°C
Surface sown: Yes