Jovibarba heuffelii
Jovibarba heuffelii is a genus of succulents that are closely related to Sempervivums. They are a member of the Crassulaceae family was given the name 'heuffelii' in honours of Johann A. Heuffel (1800–1857), Hungarian physician and botanist. They are native to East Europe (East Carpathians and mountain of the Balkan peninsula), Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Romaniabut and has escaped from cultivation in the United States and is now a naturalized weed in Ashland County, northern Wisconsin. Many variations and cultivars are now in cultivation but they are still not commonly found in collections. This is most likely due to the fact that they are very slow to propagate, (propagating by division and not stolons).
Jovibarba heuffelii are very easy in cultivation being very wet and cold tolerant. They are a bit like a hardy Echeveria being generally larger and more colorful then Sempervivums. If you are looking for a stunning bowl of hardy succulents or a great addition to the rock garden these guys are for you.